NOOTROPICS: How Nootropics are Rocking the Supplement World – Our Top 5 Nootropics

Have you heard about nootropics? If you haven’t, you may have heard of some of the more well-known products in this relatively new ‘buzzword’ category of supplements! We’re excited to explore this innovation with you, to understand whether we can really benefit from some of the top 5 nootropic trends. So, let’s begin – enjoy the read!
What Is a Nootropic?
According to Dr Giurgea, who coined the phrase ‘nootropic’ in 1982, it comes from the Greek words ‘nous’ and ‘trepin’, which mean ‘mind’ and ‘to bend’. This points us a little towards the direction of support that nootropics can offer. This is enhancing brain function, improving memory, maintaining mental agility (especially into older age), increased cognition and focus, and protection of the brain from toxins. Although the individual types of nootropics vary in their specific benefits, they can be classed overall as cognitive enhancers.
There are decades of research available on nootropics, and a lot of it can be found online (but just be sure to check the sources). There are both natural and synthetic nootropics, but they are very individualised, so you might want to investigate which is best for you.
Nearly all nootropics work in similar (but slightly differing) ways. They act on the basis of affecting brain cell health, optimising energy, neuro signalling, producing good blood supply and cell repair.
You might even recognise some of the individual substances that come into this category of products, and not have known they were a nootropic! For example, even coffee is a nootropic! Who knew?!
How Can Nootropics Support Wellbeing?
So, how can they actually support your wellbeing? Well, when you’ve found the right one for you (which can take a little trial and error), the benefits can be huge. Those that take them regularly will attest to really helping with enhancing cognitive function, improving memory, possibly keeping dementia at bay (research is on-going but encouraging), helping with sleep, improving anxiety and relieving symptoms of depression.
So, there’s much potential benefit to be gained from using this class of compounds – and we are excited!
Our Top 5 Most Well-Known Nootropics
The funny thing is, that many supplements on the market today are actually classed as nootropic substances, and perhaps you simply just weren’t aware! In fact, many of these compounds have even been around in their natural form in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. Here are our top 5 nootropics – have you heard of them? Do you use any of them already?
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We are most excited about Ashwagandha because it is one of our favourite supplements – and we have a whole product for it in our Calm & Clarity supplement. Backed by science and thousands years of Ayurvedic Medicine tradition, this nootropic is well-known for supporting improvement in cognition and memory cognition, as well as reducing cortisol, relieving stress and depression. As a sleep aid, the results can be fantastic! You can read a bit more on our blogs about Ashwagandha (ASHWAGANDHA: The Top 10 Benefits & ASHWAGANDHA: What is Ashwagandha?).
Rhodiola Rosea
Again, Rhodiolo Rosea has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. In particular, it helps those people who have been subjected to acute stress, helping cognitive function and ‘sharpening’ the brain to help alleviate stress.
There is a strong chance you already know of this but have just not realised it. It is well-known for being derived from green tea! It is an amino-acid derived from tea leaves, and is believed to elevate neurotransmitter levels of GABA, serotonin and dopamine in the brain. This means it works to reduce stress chemical, and balance emotions, mood and concentration, as well as really help to improve sleep! Overall, this is a great compound for promoting relaxation and calm.
Mushroom Complex
Mushroom complex is growing rapidly in awareness and demand as a nootropic, but mushrooms have been trusted for centuries in ancient healing as promoting health and wellness. In relation to nootropics, though, Mushroom complex is usually a combination of a selection of 6 powerful mushrooms, and sometimes another nootropic that works well with them. These mushrooms include Chaga, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Reishi, Lion’s mane and Maitake, as well as some lesser known or researched ones. Whilst research into this combination is still quite new, they are believed to work in synergy to help brain function, cognition, memory and alleviate depression. We’re super interested in this all-natural combo, so we are keenly watching this space for more research!
Bacopa Monnieri
This last one is less well-known, but very popular in the natural nootropic world! Again, a staple of the world of Ayurvedic Medicine, it is made from an Indian perennial creeping water plant. Known mostly for its memory enhancing properties, it is said to improve focus, increase attention and reduce stress and anxiety. So this has the potential to be a great all-round useful nootrophic.
Could You Benefit?
Overall, we think that the class of nootropics is definitely a development to watch, and one which could show significant benefits in years to come! If you choose wisely and carefully and do your research, they could really benefit you. As they can have quite a strong effect on the body, there can be some trial and error in finding the one that suits you specifically, but it’s worth giving it a go (possibly even taking half doses to allow your body to adjust when first taking them)!
As always, we recommend making sure to use only reputable brands that favour high-quality ingredients and can show they are either made in GMP or Organic certified facilities. And, always dose responsibly and following all instructions and directions. If you follow this advice, there is a strong chance you could see some fantastic benefits from exploring the nootropics world!
Stay well and happy beautiful one, lots of love,
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